Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Angelina Jolie's father Jon Voight is proud of her and her daughter Vivienne

Angelina Jolie's father Jon Voight is proud of her and her daughter Vivienne after they won Best Musical for Tony Awards.

This comes as surprise because he criticised Angelina for her anti-Israel posts on social media last November. 

Tmz asked Jon on Sunday about their achievement, he replied, "It's amazing. [I'm] very proud of Vivienne and very proud of Angie because she really tries to encourage each of the kids to be what they want to be".

Regarding about Vivienne, he added, "She contributed to it in which she was working with Angie and Angie, I'm sure, contributed to some of it, especially with the actors but Angie's a great director".

Monday, June 24, 2024

Angelina Jolie went shopping with her daughter Vivienne

 Angelina Jolie went shopping with her daughter Vivienne in New York City on Saturday.

Jolie was wearing a long white dress while daughter Vivienne wore casually, tshirt with jeans.

They went to few stores including a bookstore. Jolie was spotted carrying a McNally Jackson paperbag. 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

The Nanny actress Fran Drescher praised Angelina Jolie for her double mastectomy

The Nanny actress Fran Drescher praised Angelina Jolie for her double mastectomy.

Fran said of Angelina Jolie, "I think she's a warrior goddess. I think she is great".

Fran is a uterine cancer survivor herself. She continue, "I think she made a decision that seemed right for her, and there is no right or wrong, there's just the decision you make and whatever decision you make, you never look back".

"The more women who do that the better. When you turn pain into purpose it helps to make sense out of the senseless, and because she lost her mother to ovarian cancer...I think this is something she kind of needed to do and more power to her. The more women that can speak publicly about it, the more women will become educated and knowledge is power."

Angelina Jolie had double mastectomy after she discovered that she has the BRCA1 gene, which make her high risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer.

She wrote in New York Times op-ed (2013), "My doctors estimated that I had an 87 percent risk of breast cancer and a 50 percent risk of ovarian cancer, although the risk is different in each woman".

"Once I knew that this was my reality, I decided to be proactive and to minimize the risk as much as I could."

Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Outsiders director Danya Taymor tells about Angelina Jolie's involvement as a producer

The Outsiders director Danya Taymor tells about Angelina Jolie's involvement as a producer.

She explained, "Angelina was in the room a lot, a lot, and providing not just support, but also incredible feedback, not just to me, although definitely to me and like, a real champion of keeping the vision potent and courageous and brutal like the book, but she also was there for the actors. You know, we had a lot of people making their Broadway debuts, a lot of people entering the spotlight for the first time, and she was incredibly generous in sharing her experience".

"And you know, technical rehearsals in the theater are not for the faint of heart. They’re long days, and it moved me so much that Angelina was there, because that’s how you earn people’s trust, and she gave us that. She had so much skin in the game and so much curiosity about it all, and same thing with Vivienne. Vivienne would watch the show and give me the most amazing notes. Like, incredible eye. So, it was a wonderful, wonderful support, and also, obviously, made the work better".

"I always say that Angelina’s the real deal, and she was there in every way and also gave us space when we needed it. And she’d say, ‘You can do it. Jump off the cliff. You’re going to be great. You’re going to fly. I know it.’ Those are important moments where you don’t know if you can do something, to have somebody say, ‘You can do it. Go on, you can do it,’ and push you to where you want to go but might be afraid to go".

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Chaos at the Tony Awards that left Angelina Jolie waiting for a really long time

There were chaos at the Tony Awards. Attendees were waiting in a long line including Angelina Jolie and her daughter Vivienne.

One source said, “It was a mosh pit".

"The security guy got right in front of everyone and stretched out his arms to prevent anyone from moving and nearly body checked Sarah Paulson to yell, ‘Carpet’s closed!’ It was unnecessarily aggressive. No one was trying to be rude or out of line.”

Lucky for Angelina Jolie, Corey Cott and Casey Cott let her go infront of them.

One source said, “Someone was heard saying it felt like they were on the Titanic. Publicists were begging people to let women and children go first.”

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Salma Hayek and Priyanka Chopra wrote sweet messages to Angelina Jolie to congratulate her Tony Award win

Salma Hayek wrote on her Instagram, "There are some rare humans we already know are brilliant, but it’s hard to grasp to what degree. My dear Angie, you don’t cease to impress and inspire me, especially because I know that everything you do comes from a place of love. And Vivienne, you are a genius! Congratulations on your well-deserved Tony for ‘The Outsiders’, which was named best musical and picked up three other awards after receiving a total of 12 nominations!!".

In the past, Salma describe Jolie as the best director she had ever worked with for the movie "Without Blood".

Both of them acted together in the 2021 movie The Eternals.

Priyanka Chopra wrote, "Huge congratulations to this angel who deserves everything in life and more! Congratulations on winning the Tony for best musical for The Outsiders and also multiple awards and 12 nominations!! You're a force, and I'm so inspired by you every day @angelinajolie. Congratulations Vivian (sic)."

In the past, Priyanka revealed to Prime Video that she admires Angelina Jolie. She explained, "This is because her choices in her work, in her life, in her family, all of them I find very admirable."

Angelina Jolie serves McDonald’s for everybody at her Soho shop Atelier Jolie

Angelina Jolie serves McDonald’s and coffees for The Outsiders cast at her Soho shop Atelier Jolie at 4 a.m to celebrate their victory. 

Angelina Jolie won her first Tony Award for producing The Outsiders.

Earlier, they were at the Tony Awards after-party at Rosa Mexicano near Lincoln Center.

Angelina Jolie has dropped her legal battle against FBI over Brad Pitt abuse case

Angelina Jolie has dropped her legal battle against FBI over Brad Pitt abuse case on Wednesday, Sept. 25.  In the legal documents, Jolie cl...