Thursday, July 4, 2024

Angelina Jolie has no appetite to eat because of her ongoing court case with Brad Pitt

Angelina Jolie has no appetite to eat because of her ongoing court case with Brad Pitt. 

Many Angelina's fans show concerns when they saw how skinny she is when she attended Tony Awards with her daughter.

Source said, “Everyone agrees that she looks stunning. She’s aging so well and hasn’t gone overboard with any surgery, but she really needs to address this issue with her diet before she’s 50.” 

 “The big problem is that when she gets anxious she totally loses her appetite, it’s difficult for her to even swallow a protein shake, let along eat a proper meal.”

“And with this court case with Brad dragging on and on, her stress levels have been through the roof, which has really impacted her eating habits.”

“The irony is she actually puts a huge amount of focus on her kids’ eating habits and making sure they’re getting all the nutrition they need but then she just sits there picking at her plate and barely finishing anything on it,” a mole squealed.

“Her kids have been trying so hard to help her — they all cook for her and nag at her when she’s not eating enough".

“But there’s only so much they can do, it’s very upsetting for them to see her so skinny. They’re all worried.”

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Angelina Jolie open a wildlife sanctuary and named after daughter Shiloh

Angelina Jolie open a wildlife sanctuary and named after daughter Shiloh, which is Shiloh Wildlife Sanctuary (2017).

The sanctuary is funded by Jolie-Pitt Foundation. Jolie and former husband Brad donated $2 million to the foundation in 2011.

Shiloh was beyond happy and surprise. Shiloh Wildlife Sanctuary is to 'assist and care for any rhinos or elephants that have been injured or orphaned in a poaching incident.' 

Monday, July 1, 2024

Angelina Jolie and Natalie Portman have secretly been friends for a while

 Angelina Jolie and Natalie Portman have secretly been friends for a while. 

Jolie has been going through nasty divorce for long years with Brad Pitt and Natalie gave her support.

Both of them have worked with Bollywood actor before and both of them paid their condolences on the his death.

One source told, "Natalie and Angelina live in the same community and have secretly been pals for a while".

"They used to have dinner dates with their husbands Brad Pitt and Benjamin Millepied and now that Angie is single, Natalie is one of the only people she feels like she can lean on."

"Natalie has always had some social awkwardness and struggled to keep up her Hollywood friendships – until now".

"They've both found it hard to make female pals in the industry and are able to relate to each other in another way".

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Angelina Jolie's children look up to activist Jane Goodall

Angelina Jolie's children look up to activist Jane Goodall. Jane is famous for her exceptionally detailed and long-term research on the chimpanzees of Gombe Stream National Park in Tanzania.

Jolie attended the premiere of Jane's new documentary in Los Angeles on Monday (2017).

She told PEOPLE, “I am so happy to be here to support my friend, and the cause that she has given her whole adult life to — helping us understand nature and our place in it".

"And now calling on us all to really grasp that we don’t have unlimited time to save wildlife and the environment. When someone with all Jane’s wealth of experience and knowledge and wisdom tells us that, we really have to take notice.”

“My children look up to Jane not only as someone who has lived an amazing, brave, adventurous life but as an example of a person fighting for all she believes in. She is a reminder that the greatest voices are not always those who always shout the loudest, but those who are committed and consistent and dedicated over so many years.”

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Angelina Jolie wants her kids to be conscientious global citizens

Angelina Jolie wants her kids to be conscientious global citizens. She said, "They are from across the globe. When I see Mad in Cambodia, it's his home. He is a Cambodian man, and at the same time, he is also an American citizen and a global citizen".

"But it's not just important for him to go there, it's important for his siblings to go there too. We've been very blessed to have a family of different cultures and races. We are all learning from each other."

 "I mean, that's the thing for a lot of mothers, and for a lot of parents regardless. But I think even more so if you have adopted children. They have to choose you too. It's not the parents' family and they're in it. It's our family."

"I know this may sound strange, but don't make it a duty for them to do good or have to give back," says Jolie. "If we can help children feel that it's not about duty or service or charity, but the joy of an interconnected life with people you respect, then it feels very different."

Friday, June 28, 2024

Angelina Jolie host an intimate dinner and introduce Giles Duley's new series "The Things They Carried"

Angelina Jolie host an intimate dinner and introduce Giles Duley's new series "The Things They Carried".

Duley's works comprises of photo diary from Ukraine 2021-2024. Apart from that, Duley is also a chef.

Desserts were serve from Atelier Jolie's Eatoffbeat cafe.

Brad Pitt is sorry and wants to have peace with Angelina Jolie and their kids

Brad Pitt is sorry and wants to have peace with Angelina Jolie and their kids.

He felt devastated after Shiloh officially drop "Pitt" from her name and according to a source to In Touch, his kids want nothing from him.

Source continues, “He's sorry for everything that went down, and he knows he wasn't a model husband or dad during the time they were together".

“Never in a million years did Brad imagine this yearslong fight and rivalry".

“He's willing to throw his hands up and surrender.”

“The kids' dropping Brad's name is just the tip of the iceberg".

“Brad spent a lot of time and money trying to do what he thought was the right thing for his kids, but now he's wondering if it was worth it".

“Miraval was something for the kids to have and build on when he's gone, but if they don't want it, it's a moot point.”

“Brad knows he can't force the issue and he can’t make his children want to see him. It has to be on their terms, but he'll be there when they're ready.”

Angelina Jolie talked to TIME’s Kid of the Year for 2021, Orion Jean about his good deeds

Angelina Jolie talked to TIME’s Kid of the Year for 2021 (interview in 2022), Orion Jean about his good deeds through Zoom, from his home a...