Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Angelina Jolie wants Brad Pitt totally out of her life

Angelina Jolie wants Brad Pitt totally out of her life. A source told HollywoodLife, “The days of Angelina missing Brad have well and truly passed, all she wants now is for him to be out of her life, period. Angelina really resents having anything to do with Brad, and wishes she could just forget he even exists, but because of the children she’s not allowed to do that, and he’s going to have to remain a part of her life for at least the foreseeable future. Brad is actually willing to be pretty reasonable and civil for the sake of the kids, but if anything that just infuriates Angelina even more–he really can’t win at this point whatever he does.”


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Angelina Jolie enjoyed a laid back hike on Labor Day

Angelina Jolie enjoyed a laid back hike on Labor Day with four of her children. Jolie woere a loose-fitting gray t-shirt and tight black leggings together with a hat and Aviator sunglasses.


Monday, September 3, 2018

Angelina Jolie ignores what people has to say about her weight

Angelina Jolie ignores what people has to say about her weight. Earlier Star Magazine published, “Angie has stopped eating almost entirely and has now shriveled down to 76 pounds. Angie’s an emotional and physical wreck — and she’s on the verge of collapse! She’s practically living on ice cubes, and she’s so anorexic her skin is sagging, and her bones are almost breaking. She needs help, and fast.”

Angelina Jolie doesn't care what people say about her. A source told the publication, “Angelina tries not to pay attention to what people say about her. She always tells her kids that what other people think about them is none of their business and she does her best to keep that mindset herself. But when people are attacking her over her weight, it is very hard not to take it. Personally, it hurts.”

“It upsetting when people body shame her and make assumptions about her health when they have no idea what her health is like. She swears she feels fine and that there’s no reason to worry about her. She keeps up with her six kids and as far as she’s concerned that’s proof that her health and weight are just fine.”

“Being there and present for her kids is all that really matters to her so she mostly just ignores this kind of talk. But she does wish people could practice more kindness and be less judgmental.”


Thursday, August 30, 2018

Angelina Jolie is getting skinny due to her custody battle with her ex Brad Pitt

Angelina Jolie is getting skinny due to her custody battle with her ex Brad Pitt. A source told Star magazine, “Angie has stopped eating. She’s practically living on ice cubes, and she’s so anorexic her skin is sagging and her bones are almost breaking. She needs help, and fast.”


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Meghan Markle gets her fashion inspiration from Angelina Jolie

Meghan Markle gets her fashion inspiration from Angelina Jolie. Fashion stylist Alex Longmore explained the similarities between the women’s style on her blog, “Meghan’s style muse is most definitely Angelina Jolie. The similarities are endless. The outfit choices dating way back in Meghan’s wardrobe are practically doppelgängers of Angelina’s".

“Often when I ask my clients whose style they like in the public eye, Angelina is often up there with the best of them but I suspect its more than this with Meghan".

“I think its what Angelina represents as a woman that Meghan is wanting to emulate".

“Angelina is taken seriously as an actress, is a humanitarian and is exceedingly well respected.”


Angelina Jolie revealed that she and daughter have matching tattoos

During an interview with CR Fashion Book, Angelina Jolie revealed that she and daughter, Vivienne have matching tattoos with the words, &qu...