Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Angelina Jolie is back to U.S. with her kids

Angelina Jolie is back to U.S. with her kids. She was ordered by judge to do so. On Sunday, she was spotted shopping in WeHo with 3 of her kids at Whole Foods.

According to the judge's order, Brad Pitt has a right to custody of the kids for no less than 4 hours every other day on school days and 12 hours every other day on non-school days.


Monday, August 13, 2018

Brad Pitt fears that his ex wife Angelina Jolie will move to London with six of their kids

Brad Pitt fears that his ex wife Angelina Jolie will move to London with six of their kids. The couple is at war now over child custody. A friend said, ‘They can’t agree on anything,’ a friend said. ‘They’re at each other’s throats again.’

‘It’s no secret that Angie would like to get full custody of the children and move abroad. Although she has physical custody, she can’t move without Brad’s consent'.

‘Brad does not want to have to fly eight or nine hours each time he wants to see his children. He is trying to keep the status quo.’


Friday, August 10, 2018

Movies that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt acted together

The former couple Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are fighting over children custody. Let us see what movie they acted together. They fell in love when both of them acted in Mr. & Mrs. Smith. That time Brad was married to Jennifer Aniston. Later Jennifer married Justin Theroux and divorced. And now both Brad and Aniston are single. Will they be back together again?


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Angelina Jolie fires back Brad Pitt after Brad claims that Jolie tries to manipulate the media

Jolie's lawyer, Samantha Bley DeJean, said in a statement to PEOPLE, “What has been filed by Brad’s side today is a blatant attempt to obfuscate the truth and distract from the fact that he has not fully met his legal obligations to support the children".

“Following the incident of September 2016, Angelina and the children needed to move from the family home, which Brad chose to keep, including all of its contents".

When Jolie told in a court filing on Tuesday that Pitt has not been paying “meaningful” child support during their separation, he responded that he had paid over $1.3 million for them and as well, a loan of $8 million to help her purchase her current home.


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Angelina Jolie claims that Brad Pitt didn't pay meaningful child support

Angelina Jolie claims that Brad Pitt didn't pay meaningful child support for their six children. Jolie’s attorney Samantha Bley DeJean wrote, “[Pitt] has a duty to pay child support. As of present, [Pitt] has paid no meaningful child support since separation".

“Given the informal arrangements around the payment of the children’s expenses have not been regularly sustained by [Pitt] for over a year and a half, [Jolie] intends to file [a request for a court order] for the establishment of a retroactive child support order.”


Angelina Jolie revealed that she and daughter have matching tattoos

During an interview with CR Fashion Book, Angelina Jolie revealed that she and daughter, Vivienne have matching tattoos with the words, &qu...