Tuesday, March 13, 2018

George Clooney encourage Brad Pitt to reunite with ex wife Jennifer Aniston

George Clooney encourage Brad Pitt to reunite with ex wife Jennifer Aniston. He didn't like Angelina Jolie. Last weekend, George and Brad were spotted together for the first time in more than five years. A source revealed, ‘George has always hated Ange and really disliked the way she controlled Brad throughout their marriage. He loved Brad and Jen when they were together and was devastated when they split – especially when he found out it was because of Ange, who he’d never heard good things about'.

‘So when Ange and Brad split, George was the first person to call him and reconnect – and also plant the seed about reaching out to Jen'.

‘He’d stayed in contact with Jen even after her divorce from Brad – and they’ve never stopped being close'.



Monday, March 12, 2018

Brad Pitt will stay celibate for a year

According to The Sun, Brad Pitt will stay celibate for a year. He will focus on eat healthily and reduce alcohol intake. A source told the publication, 'He's looking after number one. Brad is really sorting himself out. He's getting trim, eating healthily and has cut out the booze.


'He has been in relationships for pretty much all of his entire adult life. Now that he's single, he's doing things he's previously been unable to do.'


Friday, March 9, 2018

Angelina Jolie and Senator John McCain are appealing to Americans to defend human rights and American leadership in the world

Angelina Jolie and Senator John McCain are appealing to Americans to defend human rights and American leadership in the world on International Women’s Day. They wrote for New York Times, “Around the world, there is profound concern that America is giving up the mantle of global leadership. Our steady retreat over the past decade has contributed to a wide array of complex global challenges — a dangerous erosion of the rule of law, gross human rights violations and the decline of the rules-based international order that was designed in the aftermath of two world wars to prevent conflict and deter mass atrocities.”


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Brad Pitt looking happy after his split with Angelina Jolie

Brad Pitt looking happy after his split with Angelina Jolie. A source tells E! News, "The separation was brutal and a very sad time in his life. [Brad] made some important changes and is much better off now. He is happier and healthier. He has an active social life and has rekindled old friendships. He goes out to dinner a lot and enjoys being out doing different things."


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Brad Pitt's kids have become close with Jennifer Aniston

According to sources, Brad has introduce Jennifer Aniston to his kids and the kids have been close to her.

A source revealed, ‘There’s been so much tension in the kids’ lives since Ange led for divorce. While Brad and Ange do a good job of trying to keep the ugly parts of their divorce battle away from the kids, it’s only natural that it’s going to spill over. Especially with Ange, who’s always either really angry at Brad or crying over the split when she’s at home'.

‘That’s why it’s been so nice for the kids to spend some time with Brad and Jen, because Jen’s so relaxed and laid-back, and so keen just to play with the kids'.

‘Even though she’s had a rough few months since her split from Justin, she’s really loving being able to unwind with Brad’s kids – play sport in the backyard, read books, watch TV and draw with them. It’s been really therapeutic for her – and the kids clearly love it and love her.’

‘All this water has passed under the bridge – and not only has Jen got her ex back from Ange, the kids are now keen to live with Jen,’ says a source. ‘Things really couldn’t be worse for Ange.’


Salma Hayek tried to make Angelina Jolie sing Karaoke and dance once

During interview with The Zoe Ball Breakfast Show, Salma Hayek revealed that she tried to make Angelina Jolie sing Karaoke and dance once. ...