Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tom Cruise had a crush on Angelina Jolie

Tom Cruise had a crush on Angelina Jolie. According sources to Heat World, 'Tom raves about Ange's intellect and what a strong, impressive woman she is. He loves that she's never really conformed in Hollywood'.

'Plus, they're both such superstars, only a handful of people can truly understand the life they live. That in itself creates a bond.' 

'His goal right now is to convince her to work with him, then he'll romance her. He's being careful not to come on too strong, but he wants to take it out of the friend zone.'

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Salma Hayek and Priyanka Chopra wrote sweet messages to Angelina Jolie to congratulate her Tony Award win

Salma Hayek wrote on her Instagram, "There are some rare humans we already know are brilliant, but it’s hard to grasp to what degree. ...