Friday, August 24, 2012

Secret behind Angelina Jolie's glowing complexion

What is the secret behind Angelina Jolie's glowing complexion? She use Dragon’s Blood, Rodial’s popular sculpting facial gel.

Celebrity facialist Nuz Shugaa said, ‘Angelina needs to keep her skin plump and hydrated to maintain the youthful radiance she is famed for.'

'Lack of sleep, hectic lifestyle with extensive travelling all contribute to
depleted levels of hyaluronic acid – which result in the skin looking tired,
dry and dull.'

'This incredibly ageing to all women in their thirties.'

'I recommended the Dragon’s Blood’s sculpting gel to Angelina as it gives her a
dewy complexion (for appearance of sleep!) with added volume which define her
beautiful high cheek bones’.


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