Saturday, August 18, 2012

How Brad Pitt tame Angelina Jolie

A friend of Brad Pitt revealed to the Daily Express on how Brad tame Angelina Jolie.

He said,"He's taken Hollywood's wildest wildcat and domesticated her. She still has her claws but Brad knows how to calm the tiger within."

"Brad was very clever."

"He didn't try taming Angelina by making her into something she wasn't. Others had failed attempting that, or even worse, by trying to match her wildness. Brad let her be herself and then by giving her stability, children and a strong career, built a world around her in which she tamed herself.

"On her left arm Angelina has a Tennessee Williams quote tattooed in tiny script, 'A prayer for the wild at heart kept in cages.' She's still wild at heart but she can't be caged. It was that realisation that allowed Brad to win her over," the pal said.


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