Monday, January 20, 2025

Celebrity Big Brother star Paul Danan had a kiss from Angelina Jolie when she was with Billy Bob Thornton

Celebrity Big Brother star Paul Danan died at the age of 46 years old. He had respiratory failure due his addiction from vape.

During "The Morning After" podcast, he revealed that he shared a kiss from Angelina Jolie at an after-party for her film, 'Gone in 60 Seconds'. 

He shared, "After our little chat, we were like, 'Ok, well done, see you a bit later.' I go to give her a hug because it felt like that kind of conversation, and as I go to give her a kiss on the cheek - bam! She turned my head and smacked me right on those lips. Boom! It was a proper two-second-er. On the lips, those Angelina Jolie lips."

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