Thursday, February 25, 2021

What's inside Angelina Jolie's bag?

What's inside mother of six Angelina Jolie's bag? In this British Vogue video, we will know what inside her bag. One of the items was of course her aviator sunglasses that she wouldn't leave without it when she goes out.

You will be surprise that she carry less makeup things compare to other beautiful actresses. Well, she is beautiful. She does not need so much of makeup.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Infamous writer wrote sexist remarks about Angelina Jolie

Infamous writer wrote sexist remarks about Angelina Jolie on The Guardian. He wrote that Jolie was only famous because her previous relationship with Brad Pitt. The remarks says, "despite being an A-List actress, has no notable filmography to speak of—even daring readers to “name a single movie of Jolie’s that you have actually seen.”

"Well, Jolie is very beautiful and she does lots of things that come under the vague umbrella term of “humanitarian work”: campaigning for refugees, women and children in developing countries, which is obviously very good; going to war zones during actual wars, which is … is that good?”

All this to say she is more than just one part of a love triangle and “the wicked witch of the cheekbones".


Monday, February 15, 2021

Phoebe Waller-Bridge and Donald Glover will act in remake of Mr and Mrs Smith, formerly acted by Angelina Jolie

Phoebe Waller-Bridge and Donald Glover will act in remake of Mr and Mrs Smith where Angelina Jolie acted before with Brad Pitt in 2005. The project will have collaboration between writer Francesca Sloane and New Regency and Amazon Studios.

This was announced on Instagram.


Sunday, February 7, 2021

Angelina Jolie took two daughters for shopping

Angelina Jolie took two daughters, Zahara and Shiloh for shopping. Jolie was wearing all white, including her handbag, while daughters were wearing black.

They were accompanied by their bodyguard and after shopping, they went in their SUV car.

Shiloh's hair is tied into bun, as opposed to her previous, tomboy hair cut.

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Angelina Jolie's brother James Haven spotted with a mystery lady

Angelina Jolie's brother James Haven spotted with a mystery lady. Haven was wearing all white, except a black beanie while his companion wore a sleeveless top with black leggings.

An witness said, 'Before they met up, James spent a while checking himself out in store windows and playing with his hair'.

'Afterwards they got what looked like ice cream, walked to the beach together and then took their masks off while they chatted'.

'They spent around an hour and a half together on a blanket near the ocean at a popular spot for surfers.

'James seemed to be having a lot of fun and was laughing, clapping and gesticulating wildly with his hands.

'After a while they got up and went for a stroll along the beach before he walked her back to her car and they hugged.'

Meanwhile Angelina Jolie and Haven have not been closed like lasttime. A source said, 'Angelina and James are widely believed to have drifted apart some years ago'.

'They used to be inseparable; he was very much her go-to companion and was her best friend for so many years as well as a devoted brother'.

'James helped raise her kids and he would baby sit whenever Angie and Brad wanted private time. It's fair to say he was one of just a handful of people they felt comfortable looking after them'.

'But all of a sudden and with no real explanation their communication seemed to just stop out of nowhere. He does his thing, she does hers and whilst they may be cordial from a distance you certainly don't see or hear of them being together'.

'Obviously only they know what really happened, but it's sad and the situation doesn't look like changing any time soon.'


Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Angelina Jolie spotted with her son Knox at Target

Angelina Jolie spotted with her son Knox at Target on Sunday. She was running some errands. As usual, she wore her favourite color black, with jacket and black top. Together with black pants and black boots.


Thursday, January 21, 2021

Angelina Jolie often go out with her kids for a special reason

Angelina Jolie often go out with her kids for a special reason. A source revealed, “Angelina loves doing Target runs and other day-to-day things with her kids because it brings a sense of normalcy to their lives.”

“She really strives to make their lives as normal as she can. Going shopping is something that she and her kids enjoy doing together, and she feels strongly that her kids should have all the experiences that other kids their age have. She doesn’t want them growing up in a bubble".

“If it were up to Angelina, the family would be somewhere other than Los Angeles, where they’d have more privacy to go about their day to day lives".

“But it’s out of her hands, so she’s just doing the best she can".


Angelina Jolie's father Jon Voight is proud of her and her daughter Vivienne

Angelina Jolie 's father Jon Voight is proud of her and her daughter Vivienne after they won Best Musical for Tony Awards. This comes as...