Monday, April 8, 2013

Angelina Jolie took her sons Knox and Pax to FAO Schwarz

Angelina Jolie was spotted with her sons Knox and Pax in FAO Schwarz on Friday. Pax was wearing jeans and vest and he looks bigger now. Time flies. He is now 9 years old.


Sunday, April 7, 2013

Madonna and Angelina Jolie buried the hatchet

Angelina Jolie contacted Madonna lastweek to compliment her for her efforts helping young women in the Third World access education.

Madonna plans to sell her Fernand Léger painting Trois Femmes À La Table Rouge, which is worth about £4million for a good cause, whereby the profits will help girls’ education in Pakistan and Afghanistan through her charity The Ray of Light Foundation.

Sources said, ‘Angelina got in contact with Madonna’s camp to support and applaud her efforts. This has long been a passion of  hers and she was glad to see another major celebrity doing something about it in such a public way.'

'Clearly it’s a cause that both women are passionate about. They would make a powerful collaboration.’


Saturday, April 6, 2013

Brad Pitt's latest movie World War Z will be re-edited for Chinese market

China has become world's second-largest nation in terms of box office revenue behind the United State. Because of this, they will cut certain scene in the movie, so that it is suitable to be shown in the chinese market.

A source told TheWrap, "It's not a huge plot point. But it's safe to say [they're] going to want a release there."


Friday, April 5, 2013

Angelina Jolie pays tribute to shot victim Malala Yousafzai

At a charity event, Angelina Jolie shows a video message from Malala Yousafzai. She said, "Here's what the gunman and the Taliban accomplished on that day. They shot her at point-blank range in the head – and made her stronger."


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Brad Pitt is in the talks for World War II film Fury

According to Deadline reports, Brad Pitt is in the talks of acting World War II film Fury.

The movie will be directed by David Ayer and production on Fury is planned for September.


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Angelina Jolie's financial details was exposed by hackers

Angelina Jolie's financial details was exposed by hackers. She and Lady Gaga were the two latest victims of the hackers.

The hackers displays social security numbers, mortgage amounts, credit card info, car loans, banking and other confidential information on their site.


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Angelina Jolie has opened a school in Afghanistan

Angelina Jolie is generous because she has opened a school in Afghanistan. The school will be only accept girls.


Angelina Jolie will present at Tony Awards 2024

Angelina Jolie will present at Tony Awards 2024. Other presenters are Julianne Hough, Jennifer Hudson, Nick Jonas and many more. This event...