Saturday, May 14, 2022

Chelsea Handler thinks Angelina Jolie is a home wrecker

Chelsea Handler doesn't like Angelina Jolie. She has nothing good say about her. She thinks Angelina Jolie is a home wrecker.

According to the New York Daily News, she said, "She's a home-wrecker. She can rescue as many babies from as many countries as she wants to [but] I don't [expletive] believe you … She gives interviews, 'I don't have a lot of female friends.' Cause you're a [expletive] [expletive], that's why."

Then she continued, refered to Jolie's son Maddox, who was 9 years old that time, "He's probably so pissed off. He probably thought he hit the jackpot [after being] rescued [by] some A-list actress who's going to take him from third-world Cambodia, only to find out she's going to take him to every other [expletive] third-world country in the universe. He's probably like, '[Expletive], when are we going to get to Malibu?"

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