Thursday, April 30, 2020

Angelina Jolie pays tribute to former Mighty Heart co-star Irrfan Khan

Angelina Jolie pays tribute to former Mighty Heart co-star Irrfan Khan. Irrfan died from cancer in a Mumbai hospital after two years of battle.

Jolie and Irrfan both work on Michael Winterbottom's 2007 film about US journalist who was killed in Pakistan in 2002.

In a statement, Jolie said it was a "privilege" for her to work with him, "I had the privilege of working with Irrfan Khan on the set of 'A Mighty Heart'. He stood out for his generosity as an artist, which made it a pleasure to work in any scene with him".

"I remember the intensity of his commitment, and equally his smile. I send my condolences and my sympathy to his family, his friends, and all admirers of his work, in India and around the world".


Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Angelina Jolie wants to Tell All in a memoir

A source claims that Angelina Jolie wants to tell all in a memoir and this will ruin Brad Pitt's life.

A source tells New Idea, “Angelina has sat back and watched as the likes of Demi [Moore] write their stories, and she’s convinced hers will blow those out of the water".

“The big challenge is striking the right balance between something meaningful and hard-hitting, without coming across as too sensationalised or bitter.”

“That means she will write about her love life, her friends and enemies".

“And it’ll certainly give her the chance to have her say for the first time, about a number of people and things.”


Monday, April 27, 2020

Angelina jolie opened up about what she has learnt about parenting during lockdown

Angelina jolie opened up about what she has learnt about parenting during lockdown. She wrote on Time magazine’s "Parents Newsletter".

“I am thinking of you,” Jolie wrote. “I am imagining how hard each of you is trying to get through your days. How much you want to lead your loved ones through this. How you worry. How you plan. How you smile for them, when inside you feel at times you are breaking.”

“Now, in the midst of this pandemic, I think of all the mothers and fathers with children at home. All hoping they can do everything right, answer all needs, and stay calm and positive. One thing that has helped me is to know that’s impossible.”

“It is a lovely thing to discover that your children don’t want you perfect. They just want you honest,” Jolie wrote.

“And doing your best. In fact, the more room they have to be great where you are weak, the stronger they may become".

“They love you. They want to help you. So in the end, it’s the team you build. And in a way, they are raising you up too. You grow together.”

“I was not a very stable youth. In fact, I never thought I could be anyone's mum. I remember the decision to become a parent. It wasn't hard to love. It wasn't hard to dedicate myself to someone and something greater than my life".

“What was hard was knowing that from now on I needed to be the one to make sure everything was okay".

“I realised I stopped my constant daydreaming, instead staying always ready for any break into what I was doing or thinking to answer a need. It was a new skill to acquire.”


Sunday, April 26, 2020

Angelina Jolie perceives homeschooling is more challenging

Angelina Jolie perceives homeschooling is more challenging. She told Time magazine, ‘We’re all locked in, we’re doing all right … Well, the two things that affect children from my view the most being out of school is of course, education, and the challenges of education.

‘I know parents across the country are challenged with homeschool and maybe that’s more a challenge for the parents than the children.’


Saturday, April 25, 2020

Angelina Jolie's ex lesbian girlfriend Jenny Shimizu was Madonnna's s*x slave

Angelina Jolie's ex lesbian girlfriend Jenny Shimizu was Madonnna's s*x slave. Shimizu revealed, "She would book me on flights to any part of the world where she was on tour, just to sleep together. I was her s*x slave."

Shimizu is now married to brand consultant Michelle Harper. Angelina was invited to her wedding but she didnt attend. Shimizu said the reason she invited Jolie, "I didn't want to be walked to the altar or something, but I thought it would be really cool if she came to the wedding because we have a history." Shimizu is now married to brand consultant Michelle Harper. She even invited Angelina to her wedding, but the actress did not show up. To this Shimizu said, "I didn't want to be walked to the altar or something, but I thought it would be really cool if she came to the wedding because we have a history."


Thursday, April 23, 2020

Angelina Jolie in Alexander (2004) Official Trailer

Angelina Jolie in Alexander (2004) Official Trailer. In this movie, there are other famous actors such as Colin Farell,Val Kilmer,Anthony Hopkins, Jared Leto.

This movie was directed by Oliver Stone.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt tried to hide their affair from Jennifer Aniston lasttime

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt tried to hide their affair from Jennifer Aniston lasttime after Brad Pitt's marriage to Aniston has ended.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt went to ShoWest's Fox Luncheon at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas and tried not to be near to each other to avoid publicity.

Sadly, Brangelina's relationship also has ended and their divorce has not yet finalized. Hard part will be the custody of their children.


Monday, April 20, 2020

Maddox gives emotional support to his mother and also helps take care his siblings

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have divorced in 2016 and Angelina's son Maddox have been giving his mother some support and love.

Source told publication, “Maddox is the one person in the world Angie listens to so if anyone can lift her spirits, it’s him. Angie is so grateful to have him around again. Everyone’s noticed a change in her manner. She hasn’t smiled this much in months!” it went on. The insider furthered that Maddox has been helping Angelina in taking care of his siblings while "keeping up with his online classes."


Sunday, April 19, 2020

Angelina Jolie's ex husband Brad Pitt turned down Matthew Vaughn's offer to act in Kiss-Ass

Angelina Jolie's ex husband Brad Pitt turned down Matthew Vaughn's offer to act in 2010 movie Kiss-Ass. Later the role was played by Nicolas Cage. Pitt choose to act in Quentin Tarantino’s 'Inglorious Basterds'.

Vaughn said, “The film imagines what it would be like if the ultimate fanboy suddenly decided to play superhero, and some people mistakingly felt we were attacking the genre, but I knew Nic would buy-in".


Saturday, April 18, 2020

Angelina Jolie wants to find love in women?

Angelina Jolie wants to find love in women? A source told New Idea, "Angie "finds that being with a woman is more her style".

"Angie’s always considered herself bisexual, and she’s had many romances with men and women, but she finds that being with a woman is more her style, especially at this stage in her life.”

“She knows she’s led an interesting life, has a lot to offer, and she’s very excited to get out there and try to meet a true equal – somebody successful, independent, philanthropic, beautiful and, most important, open to new experiences!”


Friday, April 17, 2020

Iranian Instagram star Khishvand, famous as “zombie Angelina Jolie” caught coronavirus in jail

Iranian Instagram star, famous as “zombie Angelina Jolie” caught coronavirus in jail. She is currently on a ventilator. Human rights lawyer Payam Derafshan told the organization on Wednesday, “We find it unacceptable that this young woman has now caught the coronavirus in these circumstances while her detention order has been extended during all this time in jail". Khishvand was arrested in October and charged for blasphemy, inciting violence and encouraging the corruption of young people via her Instagram account.


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Angelina Jolie think it is important to love each other and check in with each other

Angelina Jolie think it is important to love each other and check in with each other. She said, 'I think it is so important that people hear that. To love each other, check in with each other.'

'Be there, be a support group, keep your eyes open whether you are a teacher or a friend.'

'I really do hope people hear this, and they do reach out, and they do pay more attention, and they are not sitting in a moment when they think, "Well maybe, but it’s not my business'.


Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Angelina Jolie is top choice for Magic: The Gathering

Angelina Jolie is top choice for Magic: The Gathering and the movie will be based on the game written by Greg Weisman. Jolie is top choice partly because of her past acting as video game icon Lara Croft in Tomb Raider.


Sunday, April 12, 2020

Will Angelina Jolie gets furious over Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt's quarantine rumours?

Will Angelina Jolie gets furious over Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt's quarantine rumours? Gossip magazine Star claims that Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt have been spending time together for the past 22 day during the coronavirus epidemic.

A source tells, “Brad and Jen have been spending most of their time together during their lockdown. The whole experienfor ce has brought them even closer. They both feel humbled and grateful for everything they have right now, especially each other.”


Friday, April 10, 2020

Angelina Jolie penned article for Time about vulnerable children during coronavirus pandemic

Angelina Jolie penned article for Time about vulnerable children during coronavirus pandemic. She wrote, "Of the many ways that the pandemic is making us rethink our humanity, none is more important, or urgent, than the overall protection of children. They may not be as susceptible to the virus as other groups, but they are especially vulnerable to so many of the secondary impacts of the pandemic on society."

"It comes at a time when children are deprived of the very support networks that help them cope: from their trusted friends and teachers to after-school sports activities and visits to a beloved relative's house that provide an escape from their abusive environment. COVID-19 has cut children off from their friends, their regular schooling and their freedom of movement."


Thursday, April 9, 2020

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt agrees to have more 'traditional' form of schooling for their children

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt agrees to have more 'traditional' form of schooling for their children. During their previous marriage, their children were home schooled by nannies and tutors because they were frequently travelling to different countries because of their work.


Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Angelina Jolie allow ex husband Brad Pitt to see their kids

Angelina Jolie allow ex husband Brad Pitt to see their kids. While Angelina does the cooking with their children during the quarantine time, Brad reportedly joins his children as they do chores like washing the dishes and tidying up.

The kids are taking online classes and will still need to get up the same time and have their breakfast together.


Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Meghan Markle wants Angelina Jolie to be her mentor

Meghan Markle wants Angelina Jolie to be her mentor. Source tells New Idea, “It’s an open secret Meghan’s aspired to be like Ange for many years, just like she’s so in awe of Princess Diana.”

“Meghan has so much respect for Ange and everything she’s achieved on a personal level as well as professionally".

“Her work for good causes and the UN speaks for itself, but Meghan marvels at how Angelina’s managed to balance this with a thriving box office career and raising six kids".

Meghan and Angelina have met few times in the past and according to sources, they are keeping in touch via email and Zoom.

Source continues, “She’s keen to team up with her and build a meaningful friendship.”


Monday, April 6, 2020

What Angelina Jolie and kids does at home during quarantine?

What Angelina Jolie and kids does at home during quarantine? A source tells EXCLUSIVELY, “This is not a free for all for them. Even though they aren’t going to any classes they are still on a pretty strict schedule during the week. Angelina feels like a routine is important so they still get up at the same time and have their breakfast all together and then it’s time to start their school work. They are taking different classes on-line, so they have learning time and they have assignments to do. She’s very big on them sticking to a set schedule.”

“There’s still lots of downtime and they are making the most of that too. Cooking together, watching movies and playing games. And with Maddox home they are all extra happy, they are cherishing their time with him. He’s so good with them and he’s even been teaching them some basic words in Korean".


Sunday, April 5, 2020

Angelina Jolie's upcoming movie Eternals will be delayed

Angelina Jolie's upcoming movie Eternals will be delayed due to coronovirus pandemic. It will come out on Feb. 12, 2021. Nanjiani, one of the Eternals cast tweeted about the decision on Friday, "There are many more important things happening in the world right now. But the Eternals release date has moved from November 6th, 2020 to February 12th, 2021. So be safe, wash your hands, stay away from crowds, social distance, and we'll see you in February."

Other casts involved this movie are Kit Harington, Kumail Nanjiani, Brian Tyree Henry, Salma Hayek, Richard Madden, Lia McHugh, Don Lee and Lauren Ridloff.


Friday, April 3, 2020

Val Kilmer tells about his relationship with his ex girlfriends including Angelina Jolie

Val Kilmer was one of the hottest stars in the past and he dated many beautiful actress. Some of them were Cindy Crawford, Angelina Jolie and Cher, Daryl Hannah. The most painful breakup was with Daryl Hannah.

Regarding about Angelina Jolie, he writes about her, Jolie was”perhaps the most soulful and serious of all of them.” “When people ask what she’s like, ” I say she is like other girls and other superstars, only MORE".


Thursday, April 2, 2020

Angelina Jolie said her son Maddox will returned to Yonsei University in Seoul when the school reopens

Angelina Jolie said her son Maddox will returned to Yonsei University in Seoul when the school reopens. Currently Maddox is studying biotechnology.

She told DongA Daily, 'I could not be happier about Mad's choice of university. It is of course closed at the moment because of the pandemic..'

'But he's not transferring school, he'll be going back as soon as things settle. He's using the time to focus on his Korean and Russian studies.'


Wednesday, April 1, 2020

How did Angelina Jolie seduced Brad Pitt on The Set Of Mr. And Mrs.Smith?

How did Angelina Jolie seduced Brad Pitt on The Set Of Mr. And Mrs.Smith?According to some report, she took off her skin-colored underwear while making love scene with Brad Pitt.

Jolie's bodyguard confirmed to have seen them making out on set.


Salma Hayek and Priyanka Chopra wrote sweet messages to Angelina Jolie to congratulate her Tony Award win

Salma Hayek wrote on her Instagram, "There are some rare humans we already know are brilliant, but it’s hard to grasp to what degree. ...