Saturday, February 22, 2025

Angelina Jolie couldn't keep her pet Iguana because of these reasons

Angelina Jolie had a iguana as pet when she was younger but she couldn't keep her pet iguana because she couldn't travel with it.

During an interview (1998), she explained, "I couldn't travel with him, they don't let you on planes with iguanas".

The interviewer then asked, "You couldn't put it like in a little carry or something?".

Jolie tells, "No, I was, the suggestion to travel with iguana was to drug it with vodka and then tape it to your body and put your clothes on over it and then go on the plane which some people do apparently but I tried that actually and it was just not a good idea at all".

"I don't know he got happily drunk".

Interviewer then asked, "His name was Vladimir?".

Jolie answered yes which refer to Vlad the Impaler, who was a war hero.

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