Saturday, October 18, 2008

Angelina Jolie fell in love with Brad on set of Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Angelina Jolie picture
Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie fell in love with Brad Pitt when both of them were filming Mr. & Mrs. Smith. That time Brad was still married to Jennifer Aniston. Later on, love bossoms between them.

Angelina Jolie says in New York Times, "Not a lot of people get to see a movie where their parents fell in love".

Angelina Jolie worries if her son saw her sexy photos. She said "[Maddox will] look up my name and see some kind of sexy pictures, or read a story about himself that isn't true. There's a lot we're going to have to explain to them about how public their family is".

To read more, click here



Anonymous said...

Angelina Jolie can have 200 kids she is still an adultress bi-sexual slut who now thinks she is mother Teresa

Anonymous said...

angelina jolie is a powerful respectful person you obviously beleive all of the media that gets spread aroudn about her and her family.. shes a talented person and youo're just jealous you're not living in her shoes because i know i sure as hell am obviously she found a man and isnt really bi-sexual or a slut... and id ont think she thinks shes teresa

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