"Maria" production designer Guy Hendrix Dyas had to sketched what he saw in Maria Callas's former place on Avenue Georges Mandel because he was not allow to take photos.
Dyas explained, “It was clear from the script that the apartment needed to be a merging of her past grandeur with her current day isolation and loneliness and her life in this apartment with her housemaid and butler".
"There was an opportunity there to try and show this in a fluid way through the furnishings, color and design of her apartment."
Callas loved Renaissance art and her apartment was full of these arts.She also owned 10,000 items and over 1,000 pairs of silk gloves.
He worked closely with the film’s costume designer Massimo Cantini Parrini when it came to creating the dressing room.
Dyas sourced over 4850 items of clothing; hats, shoes, gloves and dresses from costume houses and thrift stores to show the outlook of the 70s in the movie.