Saturday, October 7, 2023

Bomb was found on the set of Angelina Jolie's movie The Eternals

Bomb was found on the set of Angelina Jolie's movie The Eternals. Angelina Jolie and members of the cast were  were evacuated from the filming location.

Filming location was on an island that was previously used as a German military base during the Second World War.

E! News can confirm, "ET has learned that an unidentified object was found on the set where 2nd unit filming was taking place. Per safety protocol, the area was inspected and deemed safe, and production resumed. No cast was present, but crew were asked to clear the area while the inspection occurred."

A source told The Sun,"It was obviously terrifying–the bomb could have been there for decades untouched but who knows what might have happened if it was disturbed. Some of the biggest stars in the world were on set and nobody was taking any chances. Fortunately, experts dealt with it."

Friday, October 6, 2023

Valeria Golino joins Angelina Jolie to act in Pablo Larraín’s Maria Callas biopic

Valeria Golino joins Angelina Jolie to act in Pablo Larraín’s Maria Callas biopic. She will act as Angelina Jolie's character Maria's sister.

Cameras will start filming in middle of October in Budapest.

Valeria's reent appearances include in Netflix’s Elena Ferrante series “The Lying Life of Adults” and season 2 of Apple Original “The Morning Show,” .

This movie talks about the life of beautiful opera singer Maria and later her tragic remaining days.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Angelina Jolie thinks judge is biased towards her ex husband Brad Pitt in handling her custody case

 Angelina Jolie thinks judge is biased towards her ex husband Brad Pitt in handling her custody case.

Thus, Angelina Jolie request the the governor of California to obtain domestic violence training for court professionals.

Jolie wrote, "You will be aware that Piqui's Law derives its name from a 5-year-old boy who suffered a tragic fate, killed by his father in April of 2017".

"Piqui's mother, Ana Estevez, fought unsuccessfully within the California family court to secure protection for her child".

"Over the past six years, Ana has collaborated with California legislators to ensure that authorities do not overlook or dismiss the signs of abuse, signs that tragically result in harm and death for numerous children in our country."

Jolie's request was due to her experience with judge John Ouderkirk, who disallowed Jolie's children to testify even though California law allowed children 14 years old and older to do so.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Angelina Jolie's reasons to homeschool her kids

Angelina Jolie's reasons to  homeschool her kids. She explained, "The education system hasn't caught up with our children and our way of life".

“[I want] them go to a museum and learn to play guitar and read and pick a book they love.”

Then she tells her own education experience, “It bothered me how little I was taught in school".

“I do worry about my children’s education. I homeschool partially because they are from around the world and it’s very … I didn’t want them to have the same education I had when it came to Vietnam or Cambodia."

Her kids have tutors for all kinds of subjects, including different languages and instruments.

Other celebrities who homeschool their children are Will Smith, Jennifer Lopez, Gwyneth Paltrow and many more.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Is Angelina Jolie's son Pax dating with American Horror Story actress Carmen?

Is Angelina Jolie's son Pax dating with American Horror Story actress Carmen? Both of them were sported having a walk around Loz Feliz, California. 

They had ice cream. Pax was wearing white tshirt with long pants. He wore a cap and sneakers.

Carmen was wearing black dress. After that, they went into a car with Pax seating infront and Carmen sitting behind.

Monday, October 2, 2023

Angelina Jolie thinks one of Brad Pitt's rumour date was imitating her looks

After Angelina Jolie's split with Brad Pitt, Brad Pitt was dating with Nicole Poturalski (year 2020) but split after two months.

A source to National Enquirer said, “Angie’s done some research and concluded this girl is a borderline stalker who’s dating Brad just to get famous – and it’s going to end in disaster for the whole family, not just him".

“The social media weirdness and copycat looks are one thing but going with Brad to Chateau Miraval, where he married Angie, set off huge alarms for his ex-wife. She’s already told Brad to keep Nicole away from their kids – and she’s looking to make this part of their ongoing legal case".

“Even worse, she suspects Brad knew exactly what he was doing and what her reaction would be. If anyone knows Angie’s temper, it’s Brad. He’s managed to puncture her steely reserve and hit her where she’s vulnerable. But Angie didn’t get this far in life playing fair or being nice. She’s going after Nicole with everything she’s got".

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Angelina Jolie's appearance can stop the traffic

When Angelina Jolie was in Britain (2011), Angelina Jolie took her kids for shopping and cars stopped when they saw them.

A source told the newspaper, "Angelina was walking along with just a couple of her children and some minders but when people realised who it was, cars stopped in the road, some pulled over and drivers leaned out of the window. It was mayhem.

"A bloke in a white van pulled over, got out and chased her down the street and asked for a picture."

Angelina Jolie will present at Tony Awards 2024

Angelina Jolie will present at Tony Awards 2024. Other presenters are Julianne Hough, Jennifer Hudson, Nick Jonas and many more. This event...