Thursday, January 21, 2010

Angelina Jolie And Brad are giving a bad example by dressing Shiloh as tomboy

You will always see Shiloh dressed up like a boy. Is this a good thing fo her? In a long term, it is a bad thing to do. In my opinion, everything starts from small. Let say a boy who likes to dress up as a girl, chances is he may want to be a girl when he grows up too. Or a girl who likes to wear like boy, vice versa.

Therapists tell

"Shiloh at three years old may very well be expressing her preference for certain clothing and playing a role in what she wears. This is quite healthy as she is learning to make choices and think independently. No More Drama."

"If though, Brad and Angelina are dressing Shiloh in boys clothing to make a social or fashion statement, I suggest they stop. It's never a good idea for parents to defy societal or cultural norms at the expense of their child to make such statements -- it comes with a cost." (Pitt and Jolie have used their relationship to take a stand against inequality, saying they won't wed until gay marriage is legalized.)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To me it's nothing wrong with it. She's their child they can dress her how they like.

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