Friday, March 14, 2008

Bill O’Reilley quoted Angelina Jolie whether she addicted to adoption

In Bill O’Reilley Show, he ask question pertaining Angelina Jolie , “Is Angelina Jolie addicted to adopting children?” . There were two psychologists who present there and answer yes to that question.

This is the video clip of Bill O’Reilley Show pertaining content of Angelina Jolie, which only part of the show.


Anonymous said...

o'reilly is a sad fuck who is nothing compared to most of the world, really, so you needn't pay attention to what this monkey has to say.

Anonymous said...

I apologise, but, in my opinion, you commit an error. I can prove it.

Anonymous said...

Instead of criticism write the variants.

Brad Pitt's girlfriend Ines de Ramon wants to help him to make peace with Angelina Jolie

Both Brad Pitt and Ines are going strong. They started dating since 2022. But she doesn't like conflict or negativity and she hopes that...