Saturday, November 24, 2007

Angelina Jolie and Myleene Klass are world's hot mummies!

Angelina Jolie picture
Angelina Jolie

British newspaper The Sun has carry an online survey on hottest moms and the top winners are Myleene and Hollywood actress Jolie. Both of them have 20 percent of the vote.

Third place went to Katie Holmes and fourth went to Emma Bunton.


Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver called Angelina's daughter Shiloh in wrong name

Angelina Jolie picture
Angelina Jolie

Jamie Oliver has make a mistake by saying Angelina Jolie's daughter Shiloh Pitt's name wrongly. This happen when he was having discussion with Jolie about her new movie Beowulf.

Oliver reportedly called her daughter "Piloh S**t" by mistake.

A source commented: "It was just a slip of the tongue. But it did sound like he was dissing her first-born."

After that incident, according to reports, he apologised by sending the actress a pudding made from Cheerios cereal.


Thursday, November 22, 2007

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie bought s*x toys!

Angelina Jolie picture
Angelina Jolie

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are still having good s*x life and they want to add some spice buy buying s*x toys. Both of them were spotted in London’s luxury s*x shop Coco De mer. This shop is owned by daughter of the late Anita Roddick, Sam.

According to Webindia reports, after spending several hours shopping, they bought a bagfuls of s*x toys.


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie no plans to buy Dubai island

Angelina Jolie picture
Angelina Jolie

Pitt's publicist tells The Celebrity Truth that reports about Brad Pitt and partner Angelina purchased a man-made island in the shape of Ethiopia off the coast of Dubai are hoax.

The report says that Brad Pitt and Jolie plans to use the island for to showcase environmental issues but Pitt's publicist, Cindy Guagenti says that all these report are not true.

"It's not true and completely made up," Guagenti said.


Angelina Jolie and son Maddox Jolie-Pitt went shopping together

Angelina Jolie and son Maddox Jolie-Pitt having their great time shopping on sunday afternoon. Some of the shops they went were Edwards-Lowell Fur Boutique, Beverly Hills.

Image source from here


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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Angelina Jolie pays no attention to Brad Pitt

According to the report from Life & Style Weekly, Brad Pitt is fed up of being less attention from his partner Angelina Jolie.

When Brad Pitt told what his feelings regarding about this matter to Angie, his friend said "She either tells him he’s being silly or she offers to try to stay in the background at one of Brad's events.But Brad says the idea of Angie being in the background of anything is absurd — and he has a point."

The magazine pertains the reason why he feel ignored by her. At a movie premier while Brad spoke to a reporter at the London Beowulf premiere on Nov. 11, “Angelina has already moved on,” notes body-language expert Patti Ann Wood. “She’s not interested in what Brad’s doing.”

With all the attention on Angelina, “Brad sometimes feels like he might as well have stayed home,” says a friend. Does Angelina really outshine Pitt? Together they created quite the buzz when they first blasted on to the dating scene. But two years out, neither has had a hit movie (other than the Ocean's series where Brad has a supporting role). Can they regain the buzz?


Sunday, November 18, 2007

Biological mother of Angelina Jolie's adopted daughter Zahara support her

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The biological mother of Angelina Jolie's daughter Zahara denies she that she disapprove the adoption and says she is happy her daughter is in good hands.

Mendewad Dawid says her words had been twisted by "so-called journalists" who had visited her.

She told Reuters "I have never disputed the adoption. Then she added "This was a mistake. It was something I never said."


Angelina Jolie was a fan of Lana Del Rey

Angelina Jolie Angelina Jolie was a fan of Lana Del Rey. That's why she personally choose her to perform the song "Once Upon A Dre...