Friday, April 17, 2020

Iranian Instagram star Khishvand, famous as “zombie Angelina Jolie” caught coronavirus in jail

Iranian Instagram star, famous as “zombie Angelina Jolie” caught coronavirus in jail. She is currently on a ventilator. Human rights lawyer Payam Derafshan told the organization on Wednesday, “We find it unacceptable that this young woman has now caught the coronavirus in these circumstances while her detention order has been extended during all this time in jail". Khishvand was arrested in October and charged for blasphemy, inciting violence and encouraging the corruption of young people via her Instagram account.


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Angelina Jolie think it is important to love each other and check in with each other

Angelina Jolie think it is important to love each other and check in with each other. She said, 'I think it is so important that people hear that. To love each other, check in with each other.'

'Be there, be a support group, keep your eyes open whether you are a teacher or a friend.'

'I really do hope people hear this, and they do reach out, and they do pay more attention, and they are not sitting in a moment when they think, "Well maybe, but it’s not my business'.


Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Angelina Jolie is top choice for Magic: The Gathering

Angelina Jolie is top choice for Magic: The Gathering and the movie will be based on the game written by Greg Weisman. Jolie is top choice partly because of her past acting as video game icon Lara Croft in Tomb Raider.


Sunday, April 12, 2020

Will Angelina Jolie gets furious over Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt's quarantine rumours?

Will Angelina Jolie gets furious over Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt's quarantine rumours? Gossip magazine Star claims that Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt have been spending time together for the past 22 day during the coronavirus epidemic.

A source tells, “Brad and Jen have been spending most of their time together during their lockdown. The whole experienfor ce has brought them even closer. They both feel humbled and grateful for everything they have right now, especially each other.”


Friday, April 10, 2020

Angelina Jolie penned article for Time about vulnerable children during coronavirus pandemic

Angelina Jolie penned article for Time about vulnerable children during coronavirus pandemic. She wrote, "Of the many ways that the pandemic is making us rethink our humanity, none is more important, or urgent, than the overall protection of children. They may not be as susceptible to the virus as other groups, but they are especially vulnerable to so many of the secondary impacts of the pandemic on society."

"It comes at a time when children are deprived of the very support networks that help them cope: from their trusted friends and teachers to after-school sports activities and visits to a beloved relative's house that provide an escape from their abusive environment. COVID-19 has cut children off from their friends, their regular schooling and their freedom of movement."


Angelina Jolie talked to TIME’s Kid of the Year for 2021, Orion Jean about his good deeds

Angelina Jolie talked to TIME’s Kid of the Year for 2021 (interview in 2022), Orion Jean about his good deeds through Zoom, from his home a...