Friday, September 13, 2019

Insiders think Angelina Jolie is using her son Maddox against Brad Pitt

Insiders think Angelina Jolie is using her son Maddox against Brad Pitt. Maddox was asked by a reporter about his father Brad Pitt and people thinks that he was well prepared for the questions.

A insider explained, “Maddox seemed prepared for the interview. He wasn’t trying to fend off the interviewer — so people in the industry think maybe it’s an effort by Jolie’s camp to stir things up, even though things have been relatively calm.”


Thursday, September 12, 2019

Maddox Jolie-Pitt being asked about father Brad Pitt

Maddox Jolie-Pitt is currently in Seoul, South Korea and will study in Yonsei University in Seoul. He was asked about his father Brad Pitt whether he will visit him at college.

He replied, “I don’t know about that, what’s happening. Whatever happens, happen".


Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Angelina Jolie's kids helped her rediscover herself

Angelina Jolie's kids helped her rediscover herself. She is mom of 6 kids and four of them are in their teens. She told Hello!, "When your children are little you feel more 'mommy.' When they are teenagers you start to remember yourself as a teenager. You see them going to punk clubs and you wonder why you can't go. I'm in this fun moment where I'm rediscovering myself."


Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Angelina Jolie wants to adopt again

Angelina Jolie wants to adopt again. According to Radar Online, she wants the adoption to be done wtihin monts. The site source says, ‘This has been in the works for a while, but she put it on hold until after Maddox officially left home'.

‘Because of her ties to so many countries, Angie has several options to choose from that won’t involve too much red tape or background screening'.

‘She’s doing this very methodically and still favours picking a child from an impoverished region she’s familiar with, like Syria or another part of the Middle East.’


Thursday, September 5, 2019

Brad Pitt shares about his journey to sobriety

Brad Pitt shares about his journey to sobriety with The New York Times. He was in Alcoholics Anonymous for 1 and a half year after ex-wife Angelina Jolie filed for divorce in 2016.

He told The New York Times, "I had taken things as far as I could take it, so I removed my drinking privilege".

He felt that his group, which was made up entirely of men, was a "safe space where there was little judgment, and therefore little judgment of yourself."

He added, "It was actually really freeing just to expose the ugly sides of yourself. There’s great value in that."


Angelina Jolie was in Sudan, meeting refugees

Eventhough Angelina Jolie has resign as a special envoy for the U.N. refugee agency (UNHCR) but she continues to be a humanitarian activist...