Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Angelina Jolie threaten to call off wedding after Brad's mom send anti-gay letter

Brad Pitt's mom, Jane wrote a letter to express her anti-gay and this cause Angelina Jolie not happy with her actions. One source said, “She is absolutely mortified. She was al­most tearing her hair out she was so incensed by Jane’s words. She thought they were hateful." “Angie told Brad that he better talk to his mom immediately and straighten her out…or else the wedding is off!” Source

Monday, July 16, 2012

Jennifer Aniston jokes about Jolie’s Maleficent costume

Angelina Jolie is currently filming Maleficent and she needs to wear horns as part of her costume. Jennifer Aniston make a joke out of him, saying, “Those horns suit her perfectly… she’s always been a horny b****!” Source

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Angelina Jolie's kids not allowed to listen to Rihanna's song

Angelina Jolie does not allow her kids to listen Rihanna's song. Angelina started the ban because Pax was listening a song from Rihanna, titled Birthday Cake and he started to sing some of the curse words from there. One source revealed, "Pax was singing the lyrics to Birthday Cake and laughing hysterically at the curse words. Angie grew up pretty fast and she wants her kids to avoid that same mistake." Source

Friday, July 13, 2012

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have signed up for SS2 trip

According to Virgin Galactic, 529 people have signed up for the SS2 trip. SS2, which stands for SpaceShipTwo is an aircraft that will be flying 60 miles up into space. Source

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Angelina Jolie outraged after Brad's mom send anti gay marriage letter

Angelina Jolie supports gay marriage and respect Obama but she feel 'mortified' by Brad Pitt's mother after she send a letter saying that she is anti-Obama and anti-gay marriage. Source

Angelina Jolie's dad Jon Voight supports Brad's mom Jane reviews

Earlier Brad Pitt's mother Jane Pitt wrote a letter to newspaper, expressing her anti gay views. Now even Angelina Jolie's father Jon Voight supports her, saying “Good for her”. Will his daughter, Jolie angry at him for supporting Brad's mother on this matter? Source

Angelina Jolie was in Sudan, meeting refugees

Eventhough Angelina Jolie has resign as a special envoy for the U.N. refugee agency (UNHCR) but she continues to be a humanitarian activist...