Monday, April 23, 2012

Angelina Jolie continues her role as goodwill ambassador

After her engagement to Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie continues her role as goodwill ambassador. She and her family visit Ecuador this weekend. When she was there, she met up with High Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Guterres. Besides that, she also met up with Ecuador's Foreign Minister, Ricardo Patino. Source

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Replicant of Angelina Jolie's engagement has been created

Gemvara created a replicant of Angelina Jolie's engagement ring and selling for only 1,195 dollars on the website. Shoppers can have the choice to add their own personal touches to the ring by incorporating 'favourite gems and metals.' Source

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Jack Black gives post-marriage s*x advice to Angelina Jolie and Brad

Jack Black shared post-marriage s*x advice for Angelina Jolie and Brad. He has know them for few years. He has been married since 2006. He said, "I think the s*x actually improves once you've sealed the deal. It gets better. Maybe not for everyone, but for me, once we sealed the deal and we shut off all the exit holes and said, 'No, this is it. We're in it for life,' then we really let loose." He suggested them to go Big Sur, Calif. for their honeymoon. "Leave the eight kids with the nannies just for a couple days." Source

Friday, April 20, 2012

Angelina Jolie took bus with kids

Angelina Jolie was spotted taking bus with her kids to the Galapagos Islands for a vacation.

Even big star like her take bus! But I wonder whether it is a regular bus or exclusive.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Angelina Jolie cried when Brad proposed to her

Angelina Jolie and her partner have been together for 7 years. When Brad proposed to her with a tablet-shaped diamond engagement ring, she cried and smiled.

The ring is estimated at 16 carats and worth $500,000.

Her kids were overjoy over the news and one source said, "Everyone hugged once she put [the ring] on. She went around and showed it to each of the kids."


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Will Angelina Jolie find the time to plan her wedding?

Angelina Jolie just got engaged but will she have the time to plan her wedding?

She was spotted at a business meeting in L.A.'s Roosevelt Hotel on Monday. Then she will start filming her new movie Maleficent in June while Brad may in Ridley Scott's The Counselor in the next coming months.

And she has six kids to take care of and her role as Goodwill Ambassador. She is busy as a bee!


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Angelina Jolie has been promoted to special envoy

Angelina Jolie has been promoted by The United Nations refugee agency from a goodwill ambassador to a special envoy.

Spokesman Adrian Edwards said, "Her work does go substantially beyond what we would typically see as being the normal role of a goodwill ambassador. I don't think you need a rocket scientist to see the benefits that she is bringing in terms of the attention that she is getting for the plight of the world's displaced."


Salma Hayek and Priyanka Chopra wrote sweet messages to Angelina Jolie to congratulate her Tony Award win

Salma Hayek wrote on her Instagram, "There are some rare humans we already know are brilliant, but it’s hard to grasp to what degree. ...