Monday, May 4, 2009

Angelina Jolie helps designed jewellery for charity

Angelina Jolie and other celebrities such as Victoria Beckham and Anne Hathaway have joined to help to designed jewellery for an auction for the benefit of Prince's Trust and other charities.

The jewellery will be auctioned at Bonhams and Butterfields in Los Angeles on May 28. And the rest will go to the Prince's Trust, which helps young people develop confidence, motivation and skills to find work.

No matter how busy Angelina Jolie is, she will alayws have time for charity. In terms of financial and contribution. That is why she is one of my favourite celebrity.


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Brad Pitt carries Sumo wrestler

This is another shoot of Brad Pitt's new Japanese cell phone company Softbank commercial.

I wonder how it looks like once the commercial is completed.

Image source from


Friday, May 1, 2009

Sarah Harding wants to be like Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie picture
Angelina Jolie

Sarah Harding wants to be just like Angelina Jolie. She wants to have same roles as her.

She told Metro "I like Angelina Jolie characters, where she plays like the action lady".

"I love cars, I'm bit of a tomboy, so I could definitely see myself doing something like that."


Angelina Jolie will present at Tony Awards 2024

Angelina Jolie will present at Tony Awards 2024. Other presenters are Julianne Hough, Jennifer Hudson, Nick Jonas and many more. This event...