Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Angelina Jolie is not moving to Africa

Angelina Jolie is not moving to Africa. Gossip Cop can confirm this news is fake. A source tells a tabloid, “She doesn’t play by anyone’s rules, especially not Brad’s, and she wants her kids raised out of the country. Her plan is for the house there to be their new home base.”

“Moving to Africa, putting that much distance between them, would ruin any chance Brad has of rebuilding those relationships. This is just another way for Angelina to take control of the kids. Brad misses his kids desperately, and it feels like Angie is just rubbing salt in his wounds.”


Friday, November 15, 2019

Angelina Jolie have been going for dates

Angelina Jolie have been going for dates. But is just casual dates, nothing serious. A source explained, "She isn’t closed to the idea of meeting someone new, but it’s not her main priority. She’s all about focusing on the kids, her job, and cleaning up her messy divorce."


Thursday, November 14, 2019

Angelina Jolie still has resentful feeling towards Brad Pitt

Angelina Jolie still has resentful feeling towards Brad Pitt eventhough they have separated 3 years ago. A source revealed, “Angelina still has a lot of resentment toward Brad. She wants him to be held accountable because she feels he turned her and the children’s lives upside down.”


Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Angelina Jolie stop to sign autographs for her fans

Angelina Jolie stop to sign autographs for her fans. That time Jolie was arriving back at her hotel in Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands on Sunday evening with her Eternals co-stars Gemma Chan, Barry Keoghan, Lia McHugh and Brian Tyree Henry.



Monday, November 11, 2019

Angelina Jolie went to the beach with her children

Angelina Jolie went to the beach in Dunas de Corralejo in Fuerteventura with her children and young Eternals co-star Lia McHugh. She was having a break from filming.



Friday, November 8, 2019

Brad Pitt fears that Angelina Jolie will release their x rated videos?

Brad Pitt fears that Angelina Jolie will release their x rated videos?

A source told National Enquirer, “Angie and Brad regularly had wild parties, and things got pretty kinky. Nothing was off-limits".

“They would have sessions in a private jet. Brad even hinted at wild lovemaking in the cockpit of Angie’s plane while it was on autopilot. There wasn’t anything Angie wouldn’t try, and Brad always went along.”

“This footage exits, and Angie claims not to know where the tapes are, but it wouldn’t be a stretch to assume she’s got them stashed somewhere. Brad has been sober since the split, and he’s smelling like a rose among his fans, the media and Hollywood peers these days. But if this smutty footage were ever to hit YouTube, it would ruin that carefully constructed image in minutes!” It should be noted, YouTube doesn’t allow explicit content on its platform, but that’s the least of the problems with the tabloid’s ludicrous story".


Angelina Jolie went to the opening night premiere of "Reefer Madness the Musical" with her daughter

Angelina Jolie Angelina Jolie went to the opening night premiere of "Reefer Madness the Musical" with her daughter, Vivienne Joli...