Friday, November 28, 2008

Angelin Jolie throws knife at wall when she get angry with Brad

According to some sources for Star Magazine, Angelina Jolie uses knives when she is angry. Sounds pretty scary. Well, lucky she throws at the wall only.

One source said "Their (Pitt and Jolie's) bodyguards witness the tantrums that Angie tosses when Brad takes off or spends too much money. She throws knives at the wall when she and Brad fight - never at him, but she gets angry and vents with knives."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For Brad Pitt to spend to much money must go something like - leave house in the morning, go and by a couple of new houses, a boat and a jet.

Not that I know how much money they have - but I am sure that between them they are set for about 10 lives of living really well...

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