Sunday, August 17, 2008

Angelina Jolie exhausted taking care twins babies

Angelina Jolie picture
Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie gave birth to twins babies on July 12 and now she is having tough time taking care them. According to source, she is exhausted. Her house is in the mess, toys and clothes are scattered everywhere.

A source said “Angie is tried all the time. Knox wakes up, and (she) will spend an hour feeding and then changing him, and then Viv wakes up as Knox is going to sleep. Then, by the time Angelina has fed and changed Viv, she has about 10 minutes to sleep before it all starts over again,” another insider alleges.



Anonymous said...

I suppose that mother hood is where we are all the same - tired and tattered...
Good for her that she is taking her mother hood personally (if you know what I mean!)

Anonymous said...

Of course, she has a housekeeper picking up. Of course, she is tired. BUT she nurses the twins at one time, as she said. She is and always has been capable of handling inside and outside situations. Remember, both Zahara and Shiloh were close in age, plus Z needing extra attention because of original lack of nutrition affecting her legs and walking? She carried both of them as toddlers together. Since when have many mothers done much more with no help. She has commented on how fortunate she is to have assistance with all the kids, Brad, and daytime 2 nannies and now overnight, too. They're content and happy with all the kids
and time for each alloted. See the last interview in Vogue. Personal interviews -- the only true state of affairs from this candid lady.

Anonymous said...

Of course, she has a housekeeper picking up. Of course, she is tired. BUT she nurses the twins at one time, as she said. She is and always has been capable of handling inside and outside situations. Remember, both Zahara and Shiloh were close in age, plus Z needing extra attention because of original lack of nutrition affecting her legs and walking? She carried both of them as toddlers together. Since when have many mothers done much more with no help. She has commented on how fortunate she is to have assistance with all the kids, Brad, and daytime 2 nannies and overnight now, too. They're content and happy with all the kids
and time for each alloted. See the last interview in Vohue. Personal interviews -- the only true state of affairs from this candid lady.

Anonymous said...

She looks great considering giving birth to twins.
I wish I looked a tenth of what she looks like after having kids.
Although she does have alot of help at hand.

Unknown said...

Every woman knows it's overwhelming so let's support each other. If you have help~great! If not then let's not judge. Birth is a miracle. Women are amazing for our ability to do this. Children are miracles. Nurture and teach, provide and protect with patience. Treat them like human beings,not baby-talk dolls. Hats off Ange and Brad! Hope you banked those sleep hours in your 20's! Hope this gets to you. I'm a big fan. Namaste. Love your style and eyes Ange. ... Brad just lucked out. wink

Unknown said...

Every woman knows it's overwhelming so let's support each other. If you have help~great! If not then let's not judge. Birth is a miracle. Women are amazing for our ability to do this. Children are miracles. Nurture and teach, provide and protect with patience. Treat them like human beings,not baby-talk dolls. Hats off Ange and Brad! Hope you banked those sleep hours in your 20's! Hope this gets to you. I'm a big fan. Namaste. Love your style and eyes Ange. ... Brad just lucked out. wink

Anonymous said...

May I welcome the world to what the reality of motherhood...especially of mothering and parenting multiples and their siblings. If it were as shocking to the masses that mothering takes this much work we would all be in a MUCH better place! Its motherhood, not STARDOM, that makes her work extraordinary- get it straight!


Salma Hayek and Priyanka Chopra wrote sweet messages to Angelina Jolie to congratulate her Tony Award win

Salma Hayek wrote on her Instagram, "There are some rare humans we already know are brilliant, but it’s hard to grasp to what degree. ...