Friday, December 7, 2007

Maddox Jolie-Pitt writes to Santa to ask gifts for him and siblings

Angelina Jolie picture
Angelina Jolie

Maddox, the eldest child in the Jolie-Pitt family wrote a letter to Santa Claus and he asked gifts for himself and also his younger siblings for Christmas.

A source said that Maddox has asked for an Elf DVD and some remote-controlled cars for younger brother Pax, because his favourite are cars” while sister Zahara wants princess dresses and a crying doll but this puzzled him the reason she wants her toy to cry”.

Shiloh will get a doll and some books while Maddox himself would like a remote-controlled dinosaur: “He asked Grandma Jane [Pitt] for one, but he isn’t sure she’s going to buy it.”


1 comment:

A Family/Group Member said...

don't you always wonder who are these "sources".

Salma Hayek and Priyanka Chopra wrote sweet messages to Angelina Jolie to congratulate her Tony Award win

Salma Hayek wrote on her Instagram, "There are some rare humans we already know are brilliant, but it’s hard to grasp to what degree. ...